Andrew Blakers

Emeritus Professor BSc PhD

Picture of Andrew Blakers

Engineering Building (32), E224


+61 2 6125 5905



For up to date Publications and Projects and Grants, please see this webpage.

Areas of expertise#

  • Photovoltaic Power Systems
  • Electrical Energy Generation (Incl. Renewables, Excl. Photovoltaics)
  • Electrical Energy Storage
  • Electrical Energy Transmission, Networks And Systems

Research Interests#

  • Solar photovoltaic energy: silicon solar cells, solar concentrator systems, PV tandems
  • Energy policy, economics and markets
  • Research and public discussion around 100% renewable energy futures and the dominant role that this plays in reducing greenhouse emissions.
  • Off-river pumped hydro as a very large-scale low-cost and mature energy storage technology to support 100% renewable energy futures.

Recent short articles and papers are here.


Employment: Engineering at ANU (1991-); Fellowships: ARC Senior (ANU, 1992-97); ARC Queen Elizabeth II (UNSW, 1986-91); Alexander von Humboldt (Max Planck Institut für Festkörperforschung, Germany, 1989-90); Radio Research Board (UNSW, 1984-86).

Recent distinctions

Grants and industry engagement

  • Design & fabrication of the 1st reported silicon solar cells with 18%, 19%, 20% and 22% efficiency
  • First author of the first 3 papers for PERC silicon solar cell technology which represents ~90% of the global solar market. Cumulative PERC sales are ~$200 billion. PERC modules are mitigating about 2% of global emissions through displacement of coal generation.
  • Co-inventor of Sliver solar cell technology, the subject of a $240 million commercialisation effort by Transform Solar (Origin Energy & Micron) ($12 million royalties paid to ANU)
  • Founded the solar cell research group at ANU in 1991 (currently 60 staff and PhD students)
  • Research funds procured since 1979 (as a Chief Investigator, current dollars) ~A$160 million
  • Leading the 100% renewable energy futures group and the global pumped hydro energy storage project

Available student projects#

__**100% renewable energy**__

Projects are available in the general area of 100% renewable energy. This could include examining options for high levels of renewables in a particular country, province or city; calculating pathways to high levels of renewables; options for PV panels in densely populated countries such as floating, maritime, rooftop and agrivoltacs; balancing high levels of renewables with extra transmission and storage; critiques of renewables modelling by organisations such as the IEA, IPCC or national & state Governments; Renewable Energy Zones; and renewable electrification of transport, air & water heating and industrial heating.

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