We have summarised some key research interests below – this is not comprehensive! Please contact us to discuss any subject related to emissions reduction or energy. Our publications and media publications pages have content relating to these areas and more.

2019 Workshop – 100% renewable energy, emissions reductions, and exports
A workshop was held at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia, to consider 100% renewable electricity and energy futures and meeting climate goals.

2020 Workshop – 100% renewable energy, emissions reductions, and exports
A workshop to consider progress and potholes en route to 100% renewables, rapid emissions reductions and large-scale exports of Australian renewables.
100% renewable electricity#
We analyse solar, meteorological, and topographical data to determine the viability of entirely renewable and clean electrical grids in Australia and other countries. We determine costs for these grids, and compare them to BAU approaches.
Electric land transport#
Australia depends heavily on personal cars for transport, but has invested very little in electric vehicles, while continuing to import 90% of the liquid fuel it consumes.
Low temperature heat#
Current methods of space and water heating can be made more efficient with heat pumps and better insulation.
High temperature heat#
Refining and working metals often requires temperatures higher than 2000˚C, which can be delivered more efficiently and cleanly without coal.
Aviation & shipping#
International aviation and shipping contribute 4% each to the global emission of greenhouse gases, and are not counted among national emissions. We investigate alternative fuels and the possible impacts of their adoption.
Industrial processes#
Many industrial processes, such as the production of concrete and the use of refrigerants, release greenhouse gases.
Photo by redcharlie on Unsplash