Shadow Minister’s press release responding to our study

Mon 27 November 2017

Shadow Minister’s press release responding to our study
Shadow Minister’s press release responding to our study

Mark Butler, the Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy, has released a media statement discussing our Paris target report.


November 27, 2017

A new report from the ANU confirms that Labor’s 50 per cent renewable energy commitment can be met at zero cost to the broader economy while meeting our international targets under the Paris climate agreement.

The ANU report states the current rate of RET supported renewable investment “is sufficient (if continued until 2030) for renewable energy to meet more than half of Australia’s electricity consumption and all of Australia’s Paris greenhouse emissions reduction target.”

In addition, the report makes clear that 50 per cent renewables is achievable at “zero net cost” because renewables are the cheapest form of new generation, are cheaper than existing gas generation and are cheaper than existing wholesale electricity costs.

In an additional blow to the Turnbull Liberal Government’s anti-renewables stance, the ANU analysis dismisses reliability concerns about renewable energy stating “The cost of renewables includes the cost of hourly balancing of the grid to retain the same reliability as at present”. The ANU analysis also flags the need for a more strategic approach to transmission investment, as Labor has pledged to deliver.

This is just the latest in a series of reports which back Labor’s commitment to 50 per cent renewables to deliver reliable, affordable and clean energy.

But Malcolm Turnbull’s vision for Australia’s energy system seeks to strangle renewable energy.

Modelling of the National Energy Guarantee (NEG) shows this out of touch Government will restrict the growth of renewable energy to make up only 36 per cent of the energy mix by 2030.

Its past time for the Prime Minister and Energy Minister to admit renewable energy, backed up by storage, energy management technology and new transmission investment, is the only viable future for Australia’s energy system.

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